Video Collaboration and Zoom Rooms
Let FulTech design and implement your full certified Zoom Room. We are Certified Zoom Room Integrators and authorized for almost all products, from Shure MXA series mics to Samsung, The Wall, Polycom, Cisco and more. We also sell and support MS Teams, BlueJeans, WebEx, RingCentral and more.
With Video Conferencing or Collaboration, most people focus on the video aspect of things, since it starts with Video. However, this is often the most critical mistake people make in designing conference rooms. Consider, if you lose your video feed, you can still have your meeting, as long as audio is still working and sounds good. Conversely, if you have poor audio quality and great video, your meeting is not going to be a success. If people cannot hear each other, or hear background noise, room noise, other sounds, it can have a detrimental effect on the meeting. Just think about the last time your connection was poor and you had to drop a call, you can do without video, but the audio must work, and be high quality.
At FulTech, we focus on the room size and shape, as well as number of people and table layouts, to determine the most effective and efficient microphone coverage of your room, without picking up background and other noises (tapping on tables, papers turning, etc.). We offer a range of systems from various top manufacturers, like Shure, STEM, Dell, Logitech, AVER, Samsung, QSC, Crestron and more.
FulTech offers mics of various shapes and sizes to suit your and your conference room needs. From Lapel mics, Table mics, pendant mics to ceiling mics and complete ceiling integrated mic arrays. There are a multitude of ways to setup your room and mics, finding the right solution is key to having great quality audio in all of your video meetings, regardless of actual number of people in the room or where they are sitting.
Give us a call today to schedule a free on-site survey and we’ll create a design for video collaboration that suits your and your companies needs.
Here are some videos on mic setups for various sized rooms, from our partner SHURE.

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